A Woman Is Many Things, Just Fine Isn’t One of Them

Written and directed by Chase C. Musslewhite
Photos by @wastingframes

Jeanie, a 35 year old mother, sister, daughter, friend, and ex-wife, has found herself exactly where she did not want to be - in her mid 30s and divorced. Set at a her ex’s engagement party to a much younger woman, we see Jeanie began to unravel as she is interrogated by the other party-goers.

The film is currently in production and is scheduled for release in late Spring 2023 - see below for some BTS shots.

I had so much fun working in the fast-paced environment of a film set for the first time. In the costume treatment, I used contemporary silhouettes to explore the passions and tensions between the complicated web of characters in the film. Stay tuned for the final product!