What We Left Behind

Plastic, bone, glass, cork, gold, shell, aluminum, ink, wool, paper, acrylic on wood

This sculpture is constructed from layers, each representing a category of objects that humans will leave behind after we die. Objects represented in these dimensions include war photographs, Medieval illuminated manuscripts, bone, microchips, and remnants of past luxuries like cigarette butts and perfume bottles. It is a shrine to the toxins and delights of a world on fire, and an attempt to re-conceptualize everyday materials to bring to light the lives that they will live after being discarded from our use.

This piece won the Tidal Shift Award, a juried art prize hosted by the Portland Museum of Art (PMA) seeking to recognize emerging young artists confronting the climate crisis. Video interviews of myself and other winning artists discussing our work will be released at a celebration event hosted at the PMA on Earth Day, April 22nd, 2022.


